
My Daily Eucharist - Reflection for September 17, 2024

When Ramirus, King of Spain, had been fighting a long time against the Saracens, he retired with his soldiers to a mountain to implore the assistance of Almighty God. While he was at prayer, St. James the Apostle appeared to him and commanded him to make all his soldiers go to Confession and Communion the day following and then to lead them out against their enemies. After all had been done that the Saint commanded, they again had an engagement with the Saracens and gained a complete and brilliant victory.

The Blessed Eucharist: Our Greatest Treasure
Fr. Michael Muller, C.S.S.R.


Reprinted with permission from Witness Ministries, a lay apostolate dedicated to renewing appreciation for the Mass as the greatest gift which God has given to His beloved spouse, the Church. Their mission is to show how, in the Eucharistic Liturgy, Jesus renews and transforms us–and the world–in His life and love. Their published titles include:

· My Daily Eucharist
· My Daily Eucharist II
· The Mass
· Eucharist God Among Us
· Feast of Faith
· Dying to Live

Witness Ministries
705 S Windsor Ct
Lake Forest, Illinois, 60045
Tel: (847) 735-0556
Tel: (847) 735-0911